Can An Air Fryer Replace a Microwave? (With Pros & Cons)

I, like I’m sure many of you, own an air fryer and a microwave. Back in the day, I used my microwave many times throughout the day. However, I now find myself using my air fryer way more than I use my microwave.

But, can an air fryer replace a microwave?

An air fryer cannot fully replace a microwave because it primarily cooks food through hot air circulation, while a microwave uses electromagnetic waves to quickly heat and reheat a wide range of dishes, including liquids and certain types of foods that are not suitable for air frying. Both appliances serve different cooking purposes and are often used together in a kitchen for various tasks.

Let’s dive in to some of the pros and cons of air fryers and microwaves.

Comparing Air Fryers and Microwaves

Cooking Techniques

Microwaves use electromagnetic waves to heat up food, while air fryers use hot air to cook food. Microwaves are faster when it comes to heating up food, but air fryers are better at cooking food evenly and giving it a crispy texture. Air fryers also allow for more control over the cooking process, as they come with temperature and time settings that can be adjusted to cook food to the desired level of doneness.


Microwaves are great for heating up leftovers and cooking frozen meals, but they are limited when it comes to cooking fresh food from scratch. Air fryers, on the other hand, can be used to cook a variety of foods, including meat, vegetables, and baked goods. They can also be used to roast, grill, and fry food, making them a more versatile kitchen appliance.

Energy Consumption

When it comes to energy consumption, air fryers are more efficient than microwaves. Air fryers use less energy to cook food, as they do not need to heat up a large space like microwaves do. They also cook food faster than microwaves, which can help save energy in the long run.

Health Aspects

Air fryers are often considered a healthier alternative to microwaves, as they use less oil to cook food. This can help reduce the amount of fat and calories in the food being cooked. However, it is important to note that some foods may still require oil to cook properly in an air fryer. Microwaves, on the other hand, do not require any oil to cook food, but they can sometimes cause food to lose some of its nutrients due to the high heat used in the cooking process.

Overall, both air fryers and microwaves have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. It ultimately depends on the individual’s cooking needs and preferences to determine which appliance is the best fit for their kitchen.

Can Air Fryers Replace Microwaves?

Air fryers and microwaves are both popular kitchen appliances used for cooking and heating food. While they both serve different purposes, many people wonder if an air fryer can replace a microwave. In this section, we will explore different case scenarios and the pros and cons of using an air fryer versus a microwave.

Case Scenarios

Heating up food

When it comes to heating up food, microwaves are generally faster and more efficient than air fryers. This is because microwaves use electromagnetic waves to heat up the food from the inside out, while air fryers use hot air to cook the food from the outside in. However, if you want to reheat food and retain its crispiness, an air fryer may be a better option.

Cooking in bulk

If you need to cook large amounts of food quickly, a microwave is the better choice. Microwaves can cook food in large quantities in a short amount of time, while air fryers are better suited for smaller portions.

Cooking speed

Microwaves are generally faster than air fryers when it comes to cooking food. This is because microwaves use electromagnetic waves to heat up the food, while air fryers use hot air. However, air fryers can cook food more evenly and give it a crispy texture, which is not possible with a microwave.

Pros and Cons

Air Fryer Pros

  • Air fryers can cook food more evenly than microwaves
  • Air fryers can give food a crispy texture
  • Air fryers are better for reheating food and retaining its crispiness

Air Fryer Cons

  • Air fryers are not as fast as microwaves when it comes to cooking food
  • Air fryers are not as efficient as microwaves when it comes to heating up food
  • Air fryers are better suited for smaller portions

Microwave Pros

  • Microwaves are faster and more efficient than air fryers when it comes to heating up food
  • Microwaves can cook food in large quantities in a short amount of time

Microwave Cons

  • Microwaves cannot give food a crispy texture
  • Microwaves can heat up food unevenly
  • Microwaves are not as good at reheating food and retaining its crispiness as air fryers

In conclusion, while air fryers can replace microwaves in certain scenarios, they are not a complete replacement. It ultimately depends on the user’s cooking needs and preferences.

What Can A Microwave Do That An Air Fryer Can’t?

While air fryers are versatile kitchen appliances that can cook many types of food, there are some things that a microwave can do that an air fryer can’t. Here are a few examples:

  • Heating liquids: Microwaves are excellent for heating liquids, such as water, soup, or milk. Air fryers, on the other hand, are not designed for this purpose. In fact, using an air fryer to heat liquids is not recommended, as it can cause damage to the appliance and even be dangerous.
  • Cooking in bulk: If you need to cook a large amount of food at once, a microwave is often the better choice. Microwaves are designed to cook food quickly and efficiently, which makes them ideal for preparing large meals or reheating leftovers. Air fryers, on the other hand, are better suited for cooking smaller portions of food.
  • Cooking speed: While air fryers are faster than traditional ovens, they are not as fast as microwaves. Microwaves use electromagnetic radiation to heat food quickly, which means they can cook food in a fraction of the time it takes an air fryer. So if you’re in a hurry and need to cook food quickly, a microwave is often the best option.
  • Defrosting food: Microwaves are excellent for defrosting food quickly and efficiently. They use a special setting that thaws food without cooking it, which is ideal for preparing frozen meat, vegetables, or other ingredients. Air fryers, on the other hand, are not designed for defrosting food, and using them for this purpose can lead to uneven cooking or even foodborne illness.

Overall, while air fryers are versatile and useful kitchen appliances, they are not a complete replacement for microwaves. Each appliance has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to use the right tool for the job.

Can You Fry Food In A Microwave?

Microwaves are great for reheating food or cooking simple dishes quickly. However, they are not designed for frying food. Microwaves cook food by producing electromagnetic waves that cause water molecules in the food to vibrate, generating heat and cooking the food.

Frying, on the other hand, involves immersing food in hot oil to cook it. While it is possible to heat oil in a microwave, it is not recommended as it can be dangerous. Heating oil in a microwave can cause it to splatter and create a fire hazard.

Additionally, microwaves do not generate the high temperatures needed for frying. The maximum temperature of a microwave is typically around 212°F (100°C), which is not hot enough for frying food. Frying requires temperatures of at least 350°F (177°C) to properly cook the food and create a crispy exterior.

In summary, while microwaves are great for reheating and cooking simple dishes, they are not suitable for frying food. If you want to fry food, it is best to use a dedicated frying appliance such as an air fryer or deep fryer.

Quick cooking timeNot suitable for frying
Easy to useLimited cooking methods
Convenient for reheating foodCan create hot spots in food
Energy-efficientCan’t brown or crisp food
AffordableLimited cooking capacity

Is an Air Fryer Safer Than a Microwave Oven?

When it comes to safety, both air fryers and microwave ovens have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some points to consider:

Radiation Exposure

Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation to cook food. While the radiation is non-ionizing and considered safe, some people still have concerns about the potential health risks associated with long-term exposure. On the other hand, air fryers use hot air to cook food, which does not involve any radiation.

Fire Hazard

Microwave ovens can be a fire hazard if used improperly. For example, if you put metal in a microwave, it can cause a fire or damage the oven. Air fryers, on the other hand, do not have this risk as they do not use microwaves.

Burns and Scalds

Both air fryers and microwave ovens can cause burns and scalds if not used properly. For example, if you touch the hot surfaces of an air fryer or microwave oven, you can get burned. However, air fryers are generally safer than microwave ovens in this regard because they have better insulation and do not get as hot on the outside.

Overall Safety

Overall, both air fryers and microwave ovens are safe to use as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use them properly. However, if you have concerns about radiation exposure or fire hazards, an air fryer may be a better choice for you.

It’s important to note that while air fryers may be safer than microwave ovens in some aspects, they are not completely risk-free. It’s always important to use any kitchen appliance with caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure your safety.


In summary, an air fryer can replace a microwave for certain tasks, but not for all.

Air fryers are excellent for cooking crispy and healthy foods like chicken wings, fries, and bacon. They can also be used for reheating leftovers. However, when it comes to heating or cooking liquids or cooking in bulk, microwaves are still the better option.

While air fryers have faster cooking times than microwaves, they can be difficult to use and are generally larger in size. Additionally, some foods may not cook as evenly in an air fryer compared to a microwave.

Ultimately, the decision to replace a microwave with an air fryer depends on individual usage and cooking habits. If you primarily cook crispy foods and reheat leftovers, an air fryer may be a suitable replacement for your microwave. However, if you frequently cook liquids or large batches of food, a microwave is still the better choice.